2020 advent season activities
Weekly advents crafts
These will be announced each week with supplies available at either RLC or Seward UMC.
Let us know if you would like it dropped off at your home.
To see the craft and check out the how to videos, check out the link below.
Let us know if you would like it dropped off at your home.
To see the craft and check out the how to videos, check out the link below.
Advent Yule log
Pick up a predrilled log and candle set at either RLC or Seward UMC.
Contact Pastor Ben if you would like one delivered.
Decorate your log and send a picture to Pastor Jim or Rhonda.
Each week we will be lighting a candle in anticipation of Christ.
Contact Pastor Ben if you would like one delivered.
Decorate your log and send a picture to Pastor Jim or Rhonda.
Each week we will be lighting a candle in anticipation of Christ.
The Great O antiphons coloring book
The O Antiphons are seven names/attributes of Christ historically sung December 17-December 23rd in church, each section beginning with a vocal O. Join this ancient church tradition in anticipation of Christmas.
You can pick up a copy at the church, request to have one delivered, or download and print a copy from your home.
You can pick up a copy at the church, request to have one delivered, or download and print a copy from your home.
REDISCOVER christmas - advent reading plan
This is a daily reading plan that will follow our sermon series all the way to Christmas Day as we rediscover Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love this Christmas Season in the midst of one of our most trying times as a world.
You can pick up a copy at church, request a home delivery, or download and print one from home.
You can pick up a copy at church, request a home delivery, or download and print one from home.
This Advent Calendar is focused on spreading kindness by spending time with family and performing random acts of kindness in our community. Please join us as we spread some joy this season.
You can pick up a copy at church, request to have one delivered, or download and print a copy from home.
You can pick up a copy at church, request to have one delivered, or download and print a copy from home.